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The Ultimate Guide to Online Couples Therapy Platforms in 2024


Therapy is an important tool for maintaining mental health, and couples therapy is no exception. The dynamics of a relationship can often be complex and challenging to navigate. Online couples therapy platforms provide a solution, making professional assistance readily accessible from the comfort of your own home. This article will guide you through the top 10 online couples therapy platforms for 2024, offering insights into their specializations, credentials, pricing, and more.


Understanding Online Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on improving relationship dynamics. Online couples therapy is an increasingly popular mode of delivering these services. It is typically conducted via video chat, phone call, or messaging, providing flexibility and convenience for couples.

The Effectiveness of Online Couples Therapy

Online therapy has proven to be just as effective as traditional in-person therapy. It offers a unique set of benefits, including flexibility, accessibility, and the comfort of participating in sessions from your own home.

When to Consider Online Couples Therapy

Couples therapy is not solely for couples in crisis. It can also serve as a proactive measure to strengthen a relationship, improve communication, and resolve conflicts effectively.

Top 10 Online Couples Therapy Platforms

Each platform listed below has been evaluated based on their specialization, credentials of therapists, and price. The platforms offer a variety of services catering to different needs and budgets.

1. Regain Online Therapy

Specialization: Both individual and couples counseling. Credentials: All therapists are licensed, trained, and experienced. Price: Approximately $60–$90 per week.

Regain caters to couples who wish to work on their relationship as well as their individual issues. They offer 24/7 messaging with therapists and sessions via computer, tablet, or smartphone.

2. Talkspace

Specialization: Offers a variety of therapy options including talk therapy, couples therapy, and individual therapy. Credentials: All therapists are professionally licensed. Price: Starts at $69 per week.

Talkspace provides constant access to a mental health professional through messaging, making it a preferred choice for those uncomfortable with video or audio chat.

3. Relationship Hero

Specialization: Focuses on relationship coaching. Credentials: Not all coaches are licensed therapists, but each has gone through a rigorous training program. Price: $29–$289 depending on session length.

Relationship Hero offers 24/7 online support with a range of pricing options, making it an accessible choice for many couples.

4. Couples Therapy Inc.

Specialization: Offers general couples counseling and specialized services like premarital counseling, and a sexuality retreat. Credentials: Team of over two dozen clinicians practicing in 30 U.S. states and 4 countries. Price: Sessions start at $150; retreats start at $3,500.

Couples Therapy Inc. offers in-person and online therapy, making it a versatile choice for couples.

5. Growing Self Counseling & Coaching

Specialization: Offers a range of services including premarital, marriage and parenting counseling, online couples therapy, and dating coaching. Credentials: All therapists are professionally licensed. Price: $65–$160 per session, depending on the therapist’s experience and credentials.

Growing Self offers flexible pricing and scheduling plans, with a focus on various stages of relationships.

6. Advekit Online Therapy

Specialization: Matches individuals with therapists based on personal style and specific needs. Credentials: Not all therapists are licensed, but each has undergone a rigorous training program. Price: $60–$250 per session.

Advekit uses a unique algorithm to match patients with therapists, providing a stress-free way to find the perfect practitioner.

7. Our Relationship Online Therapy

Specialization: Offers online self-help programs for couples. Credentials: While the programs aren’t technically therapy, results show that working through the resources with your partner can be just as effective as in-person marriage counseling. Price: Prices start at $79.

Our Relationship offers specific programs for heterosexual couples, same-gender couples, military and veteran couples, and individuals.

8. Thriveworks

Specialization: Offers a range of services including counseling and psychiatry. Credentials: All therapists are professionally licensed. Price: Varies based on insurance; starts at $65 without insurance.

Thriveworks is in-network with most insurance plans and offers affordable self-pay rates, making it a cost-effective choice for many couples.

9. Amwell Online Therapy

Specialization: Offers a range of services including therapy, psychiatry, nutrition counseling, women’s health, breastfeeding support, and pediatrics. Credentials: All therapists are professionally licensed. Price: $99 for therapy; $199 for psychiatry.

Amwell offers a comprehensive treatment approach, making it a one-stop solution for couples seeking therapy and additional health services.

10. Lasting Marriage Counseling & Couples Therapy App

Specialization: Offers educational materials and live therapist-led Zoom workshops. Credentials: While it doesn’t offer therapy sessions or interactions with counselors within the app, Lasting provides resources to help couples love better and create healthier relationships. Price: Starts at $29.99 per month.

Lasting is a unique online platform providing self-help resources for couples, making it a great adjunct to therapy.

Choosing the Right Online Couples Therapy Platform

When choosing a platform, consider the therapy method, specialization, and your scheduling convenience. Also, consider the pricing and whether the platform accepts insurance.

The Benefits and Expectations of Online Couples Therapy

Online couples therapy provides a structured and supportive environment to work on relationship issues. It offers a chance to improve communication, explore different perspectives, and learn new ways of interacting. However, the commitment to the process is key for successful outcomes.

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